Compacte zadelmakerscursus voor zadelpassers

Niet elke zadelpasser wil ook volledig zadelmaker worden en zelf hoofdstellen maken. Naar aanleiding van de vraag uit de markt, hebben wij vanaf 2016 een nieuwe, compactere vorm ontwikkeld, speciaal gericht op zadelpassers. Dit is een internationale groep.

Reflocking course for saddle fitters

 In this module you will be trained in the basic saddlery skills you need as a saddle fitter, which means you need to be able to reflock (also with double lining) and rebalance a saddle and that you are capable to replace a girth strap in the proper way. Highly recommended if you want to work as an independent saddle fitter.

What will you learn during this course?

  • Remove the panel from the saddle
  • Carrying out safety checks on the saddle
  • Check the tree / check the rivets
  • remove the flock and reflock the panel
  • use of new flocking techniques and materials
  • correct flocking of a saddle with and without lining
  • lacing the panel back on
  • adjust the flock when panel is back on
  • prepare a new girth strap and stitch on a webbing

If you want to join, please ask for the special application form. Costs: € 1100,00 This is including using materials at location, lodging on side (group accommodation), coffee/tea/cookies and all meals (excl. drinks). Bring two saddles to work on. If absolutely not possible, we will provide one.


 Extra costs to consider (not included):

The costs for the starters toolset is about € 500,00. Besides that you will need to bring some standard tools like hammer, scissor, plier etc.


Basic leatherwork and saddle repair course

What will you learn during this course?

  • health and safety, since you work with very sharp tools
  • how to use, to sharpen and to maintain your tools
  • stitching with two needles
  • use of “stitching clams”
  • cutting of leather pieces
  • preparation of the leather for stitching
  • recognise different quality of leather
  • making a small leather item like a belt

Examples of repairs shown/practiced:

  • changing a girth system in ‘point straps’ and correct V-girth system
  • replace girth straps if they are torn
  • repair a cut in a seat
  • repairs of flaps and kneeblocks, repair of the forepiece
  • fix D-rings to the saddle for saddle bags
  • repair of broken flexible point or make flexible point when not there

More information on this course will follow soon.